Monday, December 1, 2008

This will put you off to sleep :P

Voice-0001.amr - Ammamma

That’s not my voice but my granny’s…a lullaby that she has been singing for years now. For her four children and eight grandchildren. I had always wanted to record this one song somehow without her knowledge. Today I just asked if she would sing it for me so I could record and listen to it whenever I want to. After a lot of persuasion she finally did it for me.

Sweeeeeeeeeet na? ;)


WarmSunshine said...

Awww... both are definitely sweet Divvu... she sings it so lovingly :)

lukkydivz said...


:( somehow it shows only 30 secs of the 2 minutes audio file :(

Sameera Ansari said...

So sweet!I feel like meeting my Nani and putting my hear in her lap after listening to this :)

God Bless You both!Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaaa

Phoenix said...

i have an exam today..woke up at 4 to study...but instead of studying im blogging... :)

i understand your plight...but mine is similar to you now...i too need sleep

RiverSoul said...

Sleepless princess
Sleepless princess
Can't you fall asleep?
I know its late
You're still awake
Why not just count some sheep?


Anil Sawan said...

sweet indeed... ;-)

@phoenix: all the very best.. dnt foget to post ur marks as well ;-)

Priya Joyce said...

hey tat was

U didn't sleep
after listening to it??

humbl devil said...


you know they have a channel called "lok sabha tv"...


lukkydivz said...




study girl :P


count sheep :O haha u made me laugh out loud :D




hmm not during bad moods :(



lok sabha tv? sorry bhai, mujhe samajh me nahi aaya :P were u trying to b funny? :P

Aneesh said...

See what technology can do for you. Now you can listen to it whenever you want. WOW! Nice thinking.. I would've liked to record all the stories my grandpa told me if this technology was available years ago. Now those are just memories...

About your latest post, well read some book that you hate the most and you may be able to sleep, but sometimes nothing works. So, do something creative. Just get up and blog, Million dollar posts come when its most unexpected

Shravan Vijayaprasad said...

hey divvu, was off to a place with no internet connection! and yea, your gran's real sweet :):):)!

Lukkydivs said...


haha the audio file was for 2 mins and technology cut it down to 30 secs :|

thanks for ur sweet suggestions annessh :)


nice to see ya back :) thanks