1. I've got a job now, why MS?
2. I've learnt that wherever you go, experience counts. And MS isn't going to fetch me any experience. Two years down the line, I would still be a fresher…and nobody's promising me a job as soon as I finish my post graduation. Who knows? May be even then, I would still be on search for a job.
3. For doing MS, I would need a loan of 20 lakhs. Even if I took one and finished my course; I would need at least three more years to repay the loan. So that makes to 5 years of joblessness. But if I were going for the job, by the end of 2 years, my earning would count to 6 lakhs. And may be by God's grace if I have an increment later on, 5 years down the line my total earnings would sum up to 20 lakhs. So that means MS would COST me 20 lakhs for 5 years while Job would EARN me 20 lakhs in 5 years.
4. For 22 years I've been dependent on my parents for my education. Its high time I start doing something for them. Because for a girl, the only period she can repay her family is the time between marriage and the completion of her education. After marriage, I would be having different family. May be it would be difficult for me to help them then. And so I cant remain jobless (literally) for the next 5 years.
5. They say MS means personality development and exposure…won't a job fetch me that to some extent at least?
6. I fear staying away from family for 2 years. It's really a long long time and very difficult for a girl like me to survive. I might get that homesick feeling anytime and run off from there.
7. Even I go for MS, I would sure be coming back to India- to work here, and not in America. And through some knowledgeable friends I've come to know that MS is good if you are prepared to work there in U.S.A.
8. Why should I prefer to work in restaurants of America as a waiter to earn money for my basic living expenses when I can actually lead a decent life here in India with the kind of job I have in my hands today? (Oh no, I am not criticizing the job of a waiter, its only about my capabilities)
9. Perhaps the only reason that's pushing me towards MS is F.R.I.E.N.D.S- coz all of them are going. Probably this is just one last chance God's giving me to be with them for another 2 years. But I've relied on them for almost everything these 4 years and I guess MS would mean- throwing my responsibilities back to my friends, which according to me is really bad! It's time i realize we all aren't going to marry the same guy :P
10. Moreover I am not so greedy for money so as to earn tens of lakhs every year…for me 50000/month even after 5 years would be more than enough to lead a normal life.
But MS would also mean – another degree. I would be called a postgraduate. And it's another chance to get back to my original field of study- Electronics. And the increments in Electronics would be much higher than the increments in IT field.
So, tell me guys! Which is a better option according to you? The final choice is definitely mine but a little guidance from you might be of help.