She opened her eyes to a new morning, a morning which could change her world. Her favorite pink teddy bear was missing. She lived in a room stuffed with toys and every toy tried its best to see her smile. She was such a sweet heart! Of all the toys, she loved that pink teddy – let’s call him Keith. She held his hand all through the day and hugged him when ever she felt low. Keith had seen her in smiles and in tears. Keith knew, like other toys did, that she looked gorgeous with her smile on. Yet he decided to gift her tears!
She missed Keith. She missed herself. For a moment she forgot that there were other toys in her room. She was desperately searching for Keith. She was crying!

The doggie barked to get her attention. She chose to ignore. The monkey did tricks to see her smile. She threw him to a corner. The joker clapped till his hands were in pain. She unwounded him and threw him under her cot. The train whistled and moved around her. Her feet crushed the engine to death!
Some toys were scared by her act. Some were hurt and some cursed her change. They left the room leaving her behind, crying while she searched for Keith. Some chose to stay and bring her back, and she chose to shut herself inside the virtual walls around her! She was furious, screaming out the pain. She wished Keith was there to hold her hands. She believed him to be the only one who could feel her pain. The monkey wondered so did the others! “He gifted her tears and left her in pain. Yet she says only he would understand.” They felt dejected, yet they stayed.

They knew she would sleep again. They knew she would need them all when she wakes up - either to make her smile or to cry out her pain. And yes, she did. Days passed and she opened her eyes to another morning. She saw broken pieces of plastic shattered through out the room, fur flying high, her wounded friends in the darkness of the room. She ran to them and cried her heart out. If only those tears could heal them!
The doggie barked again, but his voice choked. The monkey tried tricks with his broken hands. The joker clapped but she saw him limping. The train whistled but failed to reach her. She had them all back – wounded and hurt. The only thought that remained was this: Were the losses worth it?
The pink teddy was her favorite toy. She played with him all day, all night. She was so used to him being around that her loss completely shattered her. She couldn’t believe keith had left her. If Keith could do that…any toy could do the same. She wasn’t willing to let the other toys hurt her more. Coz if the toy she trusted, loved and treasured the most could leave her to suffer this pain… one day she thought… all other toys would leave her too. And in a fit of rage and thoughtlessness she decided to abandon all of her toys… leaving their world….before they left hers.
The doggie barked to get her attention. She chose to ignore. The monkey did tricks to see her smile. She threw him to a corner. The joker clapped till his hands were in pain. She unwounded him and threw him under her cot. The train whistled and moved around her. Her feet crushed the engine to death!
But one day she came back and apologized for her stupid acts. And the toys…they forgave her… after all she is a sweeeeeeeetheart :D
What happened to keith? He is still there in her heart. He will be there… always. Coz HER love isn’t something that disappears just like that. And yes… she hoped…that one day Keith would come back to her… with much more love and happiness for her.
To the question- are the losses worth it? They say never regret something that made you happy. Keith meant the world to her at one point of time.he was the reason she smiled. Hugging him made her feel like the world was hers. So she chose to love him……. never—the--less.
p.s - thanks anu, for the story... i hope what i added to it..made some sense :D
Much love,